Our work at Jacinta’s Smile would not be possible without the generous donations or time volunteered from supporters like you!

We would like to acknowledge the time and effort put in from our supporters to enable us to provide services to uplift bereaved children and young adults.

Thank you JAMIE LOSTY!

We would like to thank Jamie Losty for running the VHI Women’s Mini-Marathon on behalf of Jacinta’s Smile. Pictured below is Jamie with her dog Pippa who also ran 10k. Not bad for a ten year old dog!

Both Jamie and Pippa ran 10 K in the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2020.

Jamie also understands what it is like to lose a sibling. She says:

“It’s been a huge struggle since losing Anthony following his accident abroad in 2018. It’s something you never think could happen to you. Every single aspect of my life has changed since. I struggled to find support during some really tough days. The tough days still come but I have developed better coping skills, over time, to help me. I only recently became aware of Jacinta’s Smile and the work that you do. I was very happy to fundraise for your support services by doing the Mini Marathon. As I struggled to find the right support services, I hope that I can help someone else in a situation I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Anthony has left me with a very different outlook on life and an appreciation of how delicate life can be. He is remembered every day by those closest to him.”

Jamie and her brother Anthony at his debs in 2015.