Previous Events
Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure that all children and young people in Ireland who have lost a sibling can access support regardless of location or personal circumstances.
3 Peak Challenge Donegal Climb Saturday 16th July 2022 Fundraiser
Thanks to all for their participation and fundraising.

Adventure day in Wildlands, Galway 2019
Saturday August 28th, 2019. Age: 6-25.

Children Adventure Day 2019
North West Three Peaks Challenge
Jacinta`s Smile ran a mountain climbing challenge fundraiser in August. It was a beautiful achievement of families and friends coming together. WE were fortunate enough to even have some of the children from our adventure days join us in our trek up the mountains of Mount Errigal, Co. Donegal, Ben Bulben Co, Sligo and Crough Patrick Co, Mayo.
Same place and same time next year. The second weekend in August.

Jacinta`s Smile Adventure Day 2018
Our second adventure day out was ran in Petersburg, Cong, Co. Mayo. Again our participants travelled from all over Ireland to join us on this incredible day or support, acknowledgement and so much fun and fresh air. And we can not wait to do it all again.

Jacinta`s Smile First Adventure Day
Our very first year was April 15th 2017. We chose this date as Declan`s birthday is April 16th and we wanted to bring him in to our thoughts also. We had twenty three young people between the ages of 7-17. All of these young had lost a brother or sister, whether it was through an illness, car crash, suicide or sudden death. What sets us aside from other support groups is that we are a one size fits all. We accept all types of loss as death is heartbreaking for all no matter how the young person had passed away.
Check out our beautiful video here.

2016 Dublin City Marathon
This is where the idea of Jacinta`s Smile came about. A family fire asked us if he could run the 2016 Dublin Marathon for an organisation of our choice in honour of Jacinta. We as a family have completed many fundraising events through the years for Crumlin and Beaumont Hospital. We found however, that the missing piece of these was the brother or sister that was left behind. That watched the treatments and stood back and seen their family fall apart as their sibling fades in and out of this world.
Jacinta in articular found it difficult after Declan died and felt that there was little support for her in her grief or confusion. for this reason we decided that we would put something together to support bereaved siblings. In order to prevent the feelings of isolation, emptiness and being different.
And so Jacinta`s Smile was born.
We ran the Dublin Marathon in October of 2016 and whilst it was an incredible achievement for us very un-athletic three women it is also safe to say . . . Never again!!

Jacinta`s Smile Launch Day in The Bank of Ireland
As always our local community was incredible at supporting us and believing in our purpose. We launch Jacinta`s smile on a Thursday evening in Castlerea and raised an incredible €1795.