Mindfulness for Children

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that all children and young people in Ireland who have lost a sibling can access support regardless of location or personal circumstances.

Being Present with Your Grieving Child

Yes, we understand that this is much easier said than done. Mindfulness seems to be a word that is thrown into conversations as a Miracle Worker to fix all of life’s issues.

Let us say that there is no pressure to sit and meditate with your child. That’s not what we are saying here. Especially as we are “mindful” that you as parents have been through an incredibly difficult loss and there is nothing that we can say to fix that for you – only that we would always encourage you to go slowly and be compassionate towards yourself.

This is not another activity for your to do list.

Mindfulness can simply be, being with. Being with your child and don’t worry as being aware of your child is instinctual.

Death of a sibling can have many affects on your child, these can include crying, irritable, clinginess, bad dreams, anger, distress, bed wetting or reverting to baby talk.

There are many ways for a child to learn to cope with their loss. Noticing these and knowing they are normal and talking to them about this is a gentle way to be with your child.

Ways to Support Your Grieving Child

In our house, when Declan died anxiety became heightened in all of us. Both children and adults, because we were so scared that someone else may die. We were visibly shaken.

Little areas that could help you to be mindful with your child as they are in their process are:

  • First of all, look after yourself. Drink the water, have the chocolate and take deep breaths.

  •  Trust yourself, your inner resources are with you.

  • Lots of reassurance of their sadness being normal.

  • Acknowledging their feelings. This could be a simple, “I hear you pet” and a kiss on the forehead.

  • Use language that a child can understand.

  •  Stick to your routine.

  •  You can be honest with the children of your feelings and how you are learning to cope with them yourself. A child can pick up on the energy in the house and will read your body language. Letting them know you feel it too allows them to experience their grief with compassion and knowing its OK to talk about it. You lead and they will follow.

  • We found as children and now looking back as adults how incredibly important it is to celebrate. Celebrate Christmas, celebrate a great result in their test, celebrate each other, celebrate a first tooth or saying goodbye to a soother. What-ever it is, find ways to notice the little events and the big ones. Even if the celebration is a balloon to say well done, a homemade poster or a written card telling them of how proud you are of them. No expense just again being with.

Children want to be seen and heard in their heartbreak. Allowing space for this offers them a feeling of being held emotionally and energetically.


Explore these helpful resources for guidance and support in navigating grief and providing comfort for both adults and children.

  • Ted Talks: Explore a wide range of topics that offer valuable insights on grief and healing.

  • Meditating with Death: Available on YouTube.

  • Headspace: A free app offering guided meditations to help manage grief. Track your progress with just minutes a day. If this feels like another task on your to-do list, only use it if it works for you – find what suits you best.

  • Guided Meditations for Children: A series of videos available to guide children through mindfulness and healing.